Friday, June 3, 2011

Wash Up!

My father always taught me the value of a good, firm handshake. Well, I'm starting to re-think the value of said handshake, especially considering the things I've seen this semester.

I guess it's wrong of me to assume that any person older than the age of 8 would know washing his or her hands after going potty is a wise thing to do.

I cannot count the number of times I've been in various men's rooms across campus and actually witnessed students use the restroom and then leave without washing their hands.


The thing that irks me the most is these guys have no qualms with me watching them pass right by the soap dispenser and head straight out the door.

If I were hygienically challenged, I would at least try to hide the fact that I don't like to scrub up after a potty break. But no, these guys don't seem to care that someone else is present to witness their lack of good upbringing.

I have to give a gift certificate for one free dinner to Olive Garden to each of these guys. However, the chef who prepares their meals has to have the same hygiene habits as the recipients of the gift certificates.

Just last week I was in the men's room washing my hands after doing my business, when a guy exited a stall, stopped to check himself in the mirror, and then walked out of the restroom. He didn't even look at the sink.

I happened to finish washing and drying and exited just as he was leaving the restroom. Out in the hall, he ran into a buddy of his. They proceeded to high-five, bump fists, and pat each other on the back.

It was wrong on so many levels.

I wanted to tell the friend of unwashed-hands-guy that, not only did he essentially touch his buddy's no-no parts, but also the no-no parts of every guy who flushed the toilet before him.


No wonder people get ill so easily. I used to laugh at folks who carry around their own personal bottle of hand sanitizer, but now I'm starting to wonder if those people have the right idea.

Is it just because these guys want to break every rule their parents might have set for them while living at home? Their rebellious reasoning must be something to the effect of: "Yeah, no more rules. I'm going to eat whatever I want, get belligerently drunk every weekend, and never wash my hands after using a public toilet."

Way to throw caution to the wind you sick, sick students.

The parents of these gross individuals should have to be subjected to two weeks watching what their children do on hidden cameras. What a way to make Mom and Dad proud.

OK, so maybe these guys think they are impervious to getting sick. Well that's fine. If you don't care about your own health, that's your business, not mine.

However, the things these guys touch that I have to touch as well is my business: doorknobs, drinking fountain buttons, school computers, chairs, desks, money, well, the list is never ending.

Now I have to think the constant stream of boys I notice who don't wash their hands are only a fraction of the whole. Of all the guys who I do see washing their hands, I have to wonder how many of those are only doing it because someone is watching them. I also have to imagine how many students I don't see who leave the potty with hands unwashed.

Super sick!

So the next time you high-five your buddy, it may be a good idea to ask him if he practices what his mom and pop should have taught him.

Him: "What's up, man? Long time no see!" He goes to give you a high-five.

You: "Good to see you man! Did you wash your hands the last time you went potty?"

After that, you can only hope the answer he gives you is actually the truth.

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