Friday, August 7, 2009

Disagree? You're a NAZI!

I was sitting at home the other day, watching the “unruly mobs” of people at these town hall meetings. These folks were shouting and yelling at the senators, and I could see how Nancy Pelosi would want to say that these people were “plants,” because if it were me being yelled at, I certainly wouldn’t want to admit that the person was actually that angry.

Miss Pelosi made a little comment though, that got my panties in a twist. She mentioned something about people showing swastikas? Yes, because exercising your freedom of speech always warrants being called a Nazi. I wonder what people would think if I goose-stepped everywhere I went today? I’m going to try it.

After all the town hall shenanigans, Barack Obama began defending his health care plan. I felt absolutely livid. I recently went and had my drivers license renewed, and the process took two and a half hours, just for me to pay the fee! Thinking about government run health care started to make me feel woozy.

As the left side of my body went numb, I started to panic because I am already on government health care! Actually, since I make pretty much nothing have no health insurance of my own, I do enjoy the benefits of Medicaid. So I had to start re-evaluating my point of view.
Whenever I need a prescription filled, Medicaid is there for me. A couple of years ago, I had to start a mild chemo-therapy treatment. It started out intravenously, which was SUPER FUN! (Oh, does my sarcasm translate through print?) But luckily for me, after a while I was switched to pills, (which cost only 3 dollars through Medicaid) and I have been taking those pills ever since.

Now, I’m telling a Medicaid story, not a Medicare story, so you don’t have to worry about some geriatric rant. I’m not going to go off about what I got in the mail today, or what happened on the Price is Right. Wow, I can’t believe how far off-subject I just got. Anyway.

So last month, I failed to fill out some paperwork, and was denied Medicaid. No biggie, right? I’ll just have to pay the full price for the chemo pills. I called up the pharmacy and asked how much my meds would be without government help. Well, for a month supply it was only 2,400 BUCKS! I had Medicaid on the phone that day and was quick to renew my subscription.

I think I’d be happier to accept universal healthcare if I didn’t have to look at some of the faces running our government right now. Nancy, who’s expression always looks like someone shoved a thistle up her rectum, Harry Reed who seems to have never had enough sleep, and Barney Frank… oh my goodness, Barney is a whole other column.

Well, as Mr. Frank would say, “Thankth fouah weeding my bwog!”