Not only his political show unfunny, but Comedy Central's attempt at creating a two opposing views lineup starting with Jon Stewart on the Democratic side and Stephen Colbert on the Democrat pretending to be a Republican side, just doesn't work for me.
Colbert's laundry list of unqualifications hardly makes him an expert on anything.
So why then was he chosen to testify at a House subcommittee hearing?
Colbert testified before the subcommittee on Sept. 24 about the need to secure our borders against illegal immigrants. Or did he? His sarcasm said otherwise.
His highly sardonic testimony was an affront to the very political bureaucracy that is a House judicial hearing. And that's saying a lot.
Who on Earth thought it would sway anyone's opinion to have Colbert tell us that we need to genetically engineer vegetables to pick themselves? Or that his grandfather didn't travel over the Atlantic just to see this country overrun with illegal aliens? Or that he just realized most soil is at ground level?
Apparently Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., did because she was the one who invited Colbert in the first place.
At least there was a small bit of sense in the hearing. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers told Colbert that he needed to exit the room and leave the hearing to the professionals.
So what's next on the docket? Oh yeah, Congress will be telling people how to play baseball and how much salt we can have in our food.
Wow, I guess Colbert's testimony wasn't as much of a farce as I originally thought. Comparatively speaking, of course.
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